A: to find out what version of age of empires iii is currently installed, click on the "help and tools" button from the main game menu and then the "about" button. the game version will be listed at the top of the screen.. The trial version of aoeiii: the asian dynasties allows players to play as the new japanese civilization, or as the imperialistic british. players also have the opportunity to try out the new random map honshu, and the king of the hill game type!. Age of empires iii: the asian dynasties adds three new civilizations, 15 monumental asian wonders, the new export resource, new random maps, three five scenario-campaigns that feature all new age of empires iii characters, eastern native tribes, and a wealth of exciting new home city content..
Version: v.1.03 eng . the amendment designed to the english edition of the game age of empires iii: the asian dynasties .introduces compatibility between games issued retail version (sales in stores on optical media) and through the games on demand service.. The ultimate source of patches & addons for age of empires 3: the asian dynasties patch 1.0.1 for macintosh. download english patch 1.0.1 for macintosh (10mb) download french patch 1.0.1 for macintosh (10mb) download german patch 1.0.1 for macintosh (10mb) list of changes in 1.0.1 for macintosh.. Age of empires iii. immerse yourself in the award-winning strategy experience. microsoft studios brings you three epic age of empires iii games in one monumental collection for the first time..