Help your gifted child find work-play balance by gail post in gifted challenges gifted children sometimes need to find their "work-life" balance as well. they crave intellectual challenge and stimulation, but too much activity can result in burn-out.. Balance challenge and burnout for a gifted child do gifted kids need a special gifted program, or can they be suitably challenged with enrichment at home and at school? by adele m. brodkin. Some memes are funny and some are cruel and some are both, leaving you curled up in a fetal position and laughing while you question your existence..
Signs of burnout among gifted individuals may also lead to more effective ways for intervention. in order to accomplish the research goal, a mixed methods design has been used, more specifically the ‘exploratory sequential design’ (esd, creswell & plano clark, 2007).. It also contains a checklist to assist a teacher or parent in identifying "burnout" in a gifted child. the suggestions for stress management include both those an outsider, such as a parent or teacher, might incorporate, as well as specific suggestions for the gifted child to employ.. Thinking back to elementary school, a lot of kids are considered “gifted.” but those who go full ivy league super achiever status are few and far between. most “gifted” kids just pan out to be reasonably intelligent adults destined for normalcy..